This work looks at what is ‘underneath’: both physical strata and layers of experience, and the effect on both of time and pressure.

Measuring time

Silk thread and Bath stone.

Bath stone = approx 140 million years old.

140 metres of silk spun by hand into a single thread.

1 metre= 1 million years.

The aim is for a kind of unpicking of the physical and emotional in our experience of the world.

I’m considering the physicality of the land and both the strength and delicacy of natural materials, looking through the tiny narrow prism of the here and now to the unimaginable vastness of the past. I explore the forces which make them by examining some of their manifestations and speculating on our understanding of their history.

I do this in two ways:- firstly through finding or making remnants or fragments which have been subjected to time and force. These objects may give clues- or not. So much is unknown: so much is speculation, so these remains may be real or fictitious.  They are captured in paper pulp and so can be ‘read’. The paper itself contains silk strands and limestone, marble and granite dust.

The second way is to reduce the dimensions of space and time to a diagrammatic representation on a three dimensional surface, to make a way of reading this time span. The long development of this piece, the physical making of 140 metre of silk thread, is documented photographically.

The materials are mostly recycled. They have all had a previous life.

Deep Time was shown in three gallery spaces: RWA Bristol Open Exhibition,Bristol, Corsham Court, Wiltshire and 44AD Gallery, Bath. It is now in a private collection.




Cell Count